It is a non-governmental Mandal or Sanstha of Marathi Language speaking persons.
It was formed in 1932 and registered in 1967.
It was formed by Marathi Language speaking persons migrated to Mithapur near Dwarka & Okha those were working in a Cement Factory.
These members were living in nearby villages and colonies. During course of festivals and Social Gatherings, they came in contact with persons working in M/s Tata Chemicals and other factories and continued celebrating various events.
There is “No Marathi Language speaking person” permanently living in Dwarka. Presently 2-3 families are there those are in government service in Police, Revenue & Education Department.
It has a plot of 12,000 square foot which is at 6 minutes’ walk from Shri Dwarkadheesh Temple. This plot is on a 99 years lease since 1970.
It is on Dwarka- Mithapur – Okha Highway and is opposite to Dwarka Post office and diagonally opposite to Prajapita BramhaKumari Centre.
It has 4 room, 1 hall, 1 kitchen and 4 bath – WC spread on 40% of area of plot and it is available on hire for pilgrims visiting to Dwarka. It has a tube well and also water from Nagar Pallika and have electricity.
It has been re-constituted in 2016 and members of Maharashtra Mandal-Mithapur, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Morbi and Ahmedabad are in the executive committee.
The MMD’s head quarter is at Maharashtra Mandal-Rajkot for ease of operations and Rajkot is a centre place in this Sourashtra Region of Gujarat.
MMD wants to construct a “State-of-the-Art” BHAKTA NIWAS in this plot.
The “State-of-the-Art” means am accommodation which have “Double-Bed room with attached Bath-WC” for family and also a Hall / big shed area to meet the requirement of Groups of pilgrims. This Bhakta Niwas will be a G + 3 storied Building. It will have 1 big hall and Kitchen at Ground Floor. And 60-60 Bed Dormitory at 1st and 2nd Floor with 10-10- bath & WC. And 24 – Double-bed room on 3rd floor (out of this, 12 bed room will be Air conditioned. And one Temple of Lords Ganesh, Vithtal – Rakumai & Dattatreya.
It is approx. Rs. 5 Cr. Including furniture (168 Cot & Mattresses, Pelmets, Curtains, Table & Chairs) and accessories (Tea Cattle, Crockery) and this amount is to be accepted from Donors.
Each donor will get discount in Tariff Rates as per chart.
Each Donor will get a Donor Card and any holder (family member or friend) on showing of Donor card at “Bhakta Niwas” will be eligible to avail discount.
This discount will be applicable for a Donor for Life Long for “once in a Year or Twice in a year” depending on amount of donation.
You can donate the full amount of Rs. 5 Cr. Or minimum as you wish. This is fully voluntarily.
Yes! Your any relative (Indian or NRI) can be a donor. Indeed it is a pleasure.
Yes! Your any friend (Indian or NRI) can be a donor. Indeed it is a pleasure.
Yes! Your relative’s Friend (Indian or NRI) can be a donor. Indeed it is a pleasure.
Yes! Your friend’s relative (Indian or NRI) can be a donor. Indeed it is a pleasure.
Yes! Name of Donor giving above Rs. 24,999/- will be displayed on the Board of BHAKT NIWAS. And for very high donation, their name will be given to room or hall also.
At this point of time, there is no such plan. It will be used for a comfortable stay of pilgrims in a “State-of-the-Art” facility.
Yes! It was registered in 1967 and Registration No. is E-183/Devbhoomi Dwarka, PIN 361335. And PAN = AAETM8146K
You can pay by cheque or Credit Card or Debit Card or by e-Payment such as On-Line, NEFT, RTGS. There is no cash transaction. The amount to be deposited in favour of “Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka” SBI Current A/c No. = 3631 9363 616, IFSC = SBIN0060090.
Yes! Each donor will be given a Receipt as well as Donor Card.
MMD has the exemption number but got expired in year 2008 and due to lack of attention, it could not be renewed. Perusal are on to get it re-issued from Income Tax Department. Till such time, exemption to donor, will not be available. Government has now stopped permissions for 80G in year 2009 and whenever it will facilitated, MMD wises to have it.
Yes! Presently it used by pilgrim groups / parties coming in Bus and returning by night. At this point of time, it is not a “State-of-the-Art” facility.
There are 2 full time persons of MMD staying in the facility and looking after day-to-day hiring out, house-keeping and maintenance.
Mr. Suresh B. Sonar (mob 8128254846, Executive President of MMD) and Mr. LD Waghmare (9426467369, Secretary of MMD), Dr. Sanjay Gadre (Opth. Surgeon) - Patron of MMD, are taking stock & Accounts on regular basis. Other contact persons are - Mr. Rajesh K Patil – Treasurer (mob 9825309448), Mr. VK Buchake (mob 9879112436), Mr. Anil Patil (mob 9173619930), Mr. Manish Paralikar (mob 9825280453), Mr. Sushil Korgaonkar (mob 9924102311), Mr. Narayan G. Gadre (mob 8511102975).
Yes! The Books of Accounts are audited every year by a CA Firm and have been audited up to Financial year 2016-17 and report has been submitted to Commissioner of Charities – Rajkot.
Yes! the construction plan has been approved by Nagar Palika – Dwarka – Nov-2017, Collector – Dev Bhoomi Dwarka – Nov-2017, Commissioner of Charities – Rajkot - Jan-2018 and permission for construction has been granted.
It has 50 mattress, 10 cots, 4 carpets those have been received from donations of earlier MMD members.
Yes! You can do this.
Yes! You can do this.
Yes! You can do this.
Yes! You can do this.
You will be issued Donor card for final accumulated amount and accordingly you will be getting the tariff discount.
It is Rs. 4 Lakh. Your name will be engraved on the wall of the room as “Donar” for information of all visitors and such Donor / Card Holder will be eligible for staying in this room for 9 day in a year (at random or together) for Life Long at 95% discount in room charge.
You have to donate to “Maharashtra Mandal Dwarka”,
SBI Current A/c No. = 3631 9363 616, IFSC = SBIN0060090.
Jay Shrikrishna !
Jay Dwarkadheesh !
Jay Dwarkadheesh !